Had another hectic day at work. started at a customer location 1 hour from Tokyo. Lucky for me I prepared breakfast in advance (Whole flower tortilla, Egg salad and Vegi) so sat nicely before meeting my partner at Starbucks, ordered a ice Americano (burned out taste of coffee) and eat my stuff. When I ordered the coffee I looked at the display of foods they have, i would usually jump at the cheese cake, or Cinnamon cake, but nothing made me just, I was actually waiting to take a bit of what I prepared.
After that meeting, that was very good one, I rushed to the office, finished some admin urgent stuff and eat my lunch (Whole flower pita bread, chicken breasts, and vegi) i could not stuff all the vegi into the Pita, so I carried it around and mixed it later tonight with dinner portion. Had another meeting and rushed to the Aikido dojo. It was a great class, the teacher this time was a young promising teacher maned Suzuki san, he really took every technique and broke it down to it basic steps, always nice to go back to basics, you can check yourself improve by that.
Got back home, done some initial e-mail and work, than of to the workout. Since yesterday my ankle hurt, I was not sure I would be able to do the jumprope. gave it a try and it was OK, I remember that pain from Army service, when we walk miles at a high speed pace, i would be the shin muscle cramp, nice ti see it hurts 25 years later....
Although Partic mention it in his comment, I was surprised how full I felt from no carb dinner. Mind you my dinners before PCP were pizza, or a large ball of Pasta, mainly carbs and allot of them. I was not sure how I would feel without them. I was OK and I was not even hungry in the morning. I like it.
Thank god it is Friday and tomorrow is the weekend. I got some small errands to do and Aikido. I found a pull up bar in a small play garden between the Aikido Dojo and the station I use to get back home. My plan is to do the pull ups there after practice. Will start tomorrow.
You're gonna change REAL fast from here on out man. Get ready!