Week 2 down, done, and gone, bring on week 3
Unlike the past 2 days, today was easier. done the morning workout, 800 jumps, sometimes i could get the rhythm and do 100 , the next tripping every 15-30 GRRRRR.....
Done a quick breakfast, prepared lunch than off to work. finished things quickly and managed to get into the Aikido Dojo (training hall) for early afternoon practice.
The place I practice in is THE center, source of Aikido it is the school of the founder of Aikido (Morihei Ueshiba) and is managed by his grandson today. (I was trying to embed a video, could not, need to learn more). this place has some of the top teachers of Aikido in the world. but not less important is your training partner (changed every lesson) might me someone w
ho trained in Aikido for 20 or sometimes 40 years. Today next to me was one of the main teachers who can to train as one of us in the lesson. I was relieved that someone else was selected by him for today's practice, they were working very hard, and every time there was a throw, you could feel the ground shake.....

After practice i got some watter and walked to the near Shinto temple where i could sit in the shade and have lunch. That is me enjoying my Pita with chicken and vegi. While i was eating lunch the mosquito were having their share, and the Japanese
mosquito's are ruthless
For Dinner I was invited by very good friends of our, that tonight was their last night in Japan and they go back home after 3 years over here. it was Indian restraint and I ordered Vegi tandoori. I eat half of it as it was about the size of what dinner should be.
Got back home and worked to clean my inbox, and push work forward. Tomorrow is a new day and I am waiting to see weeks 3 program.
I was jumping really poorly today too. I tripped so much. It's amazing that you get to train Aikido with so many skilled people.