One more week to go!
Sartign from the end, i decided to switch today's workout with tomorrow, I already done 28 minutes jump rope this morning, and I am so dead now my workout will be miserable.
Got to work today after I prepared lunch at home, so food wise it was pure PCP the way I like it! I think it is a key to any activity but for health and diet, planning in advance is gold!, prepared chicken rest slightly grilled and cooked in fresh Orange juice, I also mixed the remaining juice of the pan with some yogurt to spread on the tortilla+Steam Vegi+chicken - yummy. will do that tomorrow as well.
I was able to rush to the Aikido dojo and take the lesson from Osawa sensei, it was intense, hot like hell, and I was exhausted at the end. This time i felt my ankle very sensitive, I think from the jump rope, I was painful to roll over and rise up standing. Nothing to stop the practice nore the workout, but I think I over done it a bit.
Back home now after a few conference call with home office, the end of the Q is here, lost of loose ends to close and bring the $ home. therefore the reason to switch between the workouts.
Night you all
Good luck man!