Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 68 Aikido

One of the reasons to venture into PCP was to improve my Aikido, for sure  being healthy and fit was also up at there at the top as well, how would PCP effect my Aikido was interesting.

Today I done the jump rope in the morning, I did not have all the time to complete the rest of the workout before leaving to work. I hate Mondays. done my regular 20 minutes, it was a bit harder than before due to the fact only less than 10 hours passed since the workout and jump rope before.

I dragged myself through the day and finally it was time to Rush to the Aikido dojo. Today's teacher is a very energetic one and the lesson is full of people falling and being thrown around. the lesson start with a warm up, than the teacher is showing a technique, and the class spreads in pair to practice them. 4 time you make the attach and the other person gets to blend in and throw you away and than switch and 4 time you are being attacked and throw him away. Some lessons you get to stay with your partner for the whole hour and sometime you switch after each time the teacher shows a technique.

During the rotation I got to team up with a relatively very strong partner. it is challenging to try to overcome their muscle strength and trow them away by technique alone, especially if they apply force when they attack, as my partner did. however this time a thought came to my mind "Hei I am Strong as he is" (well putting aside 20Kg of Weight difference between us in favor of his side).

knowing I had PCP conditioning helped me to ease the pressure I felt from his strength, and to focus on the technique now strength and a s Elli Walach said in the movie the good the bad and the ugly -  " I like them when they are big and heavy, they make a big noise as they fall" so he did.

Knowing you are fit helps not just in the cases of physical action, but in cases that you mind know it can trust your body.


  1. yup, totally agree. sometimes i find my brain is still stuck at how it was 69 days ago....but the muscles are there to back me up.
    great to hear Ilan!
