Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 82 Hart burn

Holiday went quick, some work, some leisure. For lunch I decided to steer from my usual lunch (tortilla, Chicken breast grilled with Balsamic, and steam vegi) and cooked couscous with Tuna, garlic and tomato, it was nice, very filling but a few hours later I got hart burn.

pre PCP life for me was a daily hart burn, I used to chew the Tums every night, regardless of what I eat. since the first day of PCP I did not have any, that was the best proof of how good the PCP system is for my health. Today was a reminder.

I done the rest of the workout, the abs were the worst ever, by back was stiff and I could not lift my legs, could do the planks but apart from the first one, could not stay for 1 minute even. the Hart burn did not help there as well. I did manage to do the 8MA and crushed down.

I think I mentioned it before, my mind is playing tricks on me. we are just a bit more than a week form completing the project. this is the most dangerous time, allot of car accidents happen 5 minutes from home, after a long drive you almost feel at home and let your guard and attention to go down. same here my mind is telling me, you nailed it, you learned how to live , eat, workout the right way, you can have a glass of red wine (that is the latest craving), I almost found myself going to the supermarket in the wine section, to pick up something (I kept a home free of wine not to be tempted), need to focus.

In Aikido each drill is completed when the attacker is thrown down, so you get thrown many time, you learn to pick your self up and continue. the same when you are the one to do the technique, sometime is good sometimes it is bad, the attacker just keep on coming and you continue, all this is a long way to say that tomorrow is another day....

Tomorrow I hope to go to the Dojo for my favorite teacher.


  1. This is interesting - I am on day 6 of PCP and just posted that my "chronic" heart burn has been absent since I started eating half-size meals. I hope this continues, like you (except for today!)

  2. It is incredibly easy to get over things like heartburn and back pain and all the little ailments that plague modern man.

    Eat less crap, move more often!

  3. yup, i used to pop indigestion tablets like sweets. havent touched them since we started.

    and my mind is wandering to post PCP already!!!! same for me - jose and i were looking at nice bottles of wine today! ah but it can wait. and it will be so much tastier for all your hard work...... stay strong!
