Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 70 - Anger motivation

Today was not a good day to say the least, I know such a day will come, so I am not shaken too much.  Body shut down a bit and it was hard to do anything today, in addition I just learned that a project I worked on of the past 6 month and was hopping to close it for this quarter sales will not happen but will be delayed, this puts my quarter sales at a s**t state.

Finally I got myself to do the workout, thank god , it is just jumps. I jumped for 20 minuets, however my anger at the work situation was still high, I jumped another 8 minuets. than done 8min abs, finally cooled down.

In the past these kind of situation would drive me to take a beer, or a good glass of Whisky (Scottish single malt, this is for you Louise :-) ) and some cheese. this time I was able to channel it to workout, something intensive i could do at home indoor while it is rainy outside.

Tomorrow I am going to get a heap load of heat from HQ on the pipeline, but at least it will be a new PCP week
