Friday, May 22, 2020

Day 20

Today was a better day for sure, first its a Friday:-)
dropped the kid to school, drove the my son to his school and was back quickly, and off to the roof top for the training, initially when I was it is lunges day, I was thinking to switch the trainings, but dug in and done it.
Jumped for 9.5 Min, I thunk it was 1,1K jumps, according the the watch. then all the drills, in some reached failed in the last sets. it felt great. one thing I changed is that I brought boatel of water and drank it during the workout, usually I do not do that , feel my mouth dry, and drink plenty past workout.

one down eat my breakfast tortilla, and off to do the pre weekend shopping, back to pick up my daughter  from school, on the way back home ( just 5 min walk) we stopped at the part to see some friends, the kids go to the same school and class, was great to be in the outdoor normal again.

backed home cooked lunch for the kids, and then done my veggie steaming, and lunch pasta tuna set, was carving some sweat so I took 2 squares, took a 2 hours nap and had a 1/2 yogurt with a tea spoon of Cherry Jam, ( I needed something sweat)

for dinner I changed and took a Banana Oatmeal and mild

I home that the oat meal will help with my high cholesterol numbers, I need some times when the situation is more normal to take a blood test to see how my numbers are, I hope both the PCP and Oatmeal will make a big change, I want to avoid the medication as much as possible

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