Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 53 back on line


It is almost a week since last post. Been running all across Israel (that is not that big).

Yesterday I was able to get myself on the scale and I dropped almost another 1Kg. I cannot remember when I was at that number so many years ago.

The past 8 days we were on 3 locations. Up north to a Kibutz on the border between Israel and Lebanon , to my bother-in-law - in Tel Aviv, and last to a resort just my wife and me.

The workout were hard and I think only twice I was only jumping rope. I am having hard time with the pistol squats and replacing them with regular sets of squats. Today it was hard for me to do the bicycle sets, so I replaced them with sit ups and leg ups.

Jumping rope is getting better and better and I enjoy them more and more. I just do 1 set of 15 minutes instead of 3x5.

I find myself enjoy more the food I prepare and compare it to the food I get in the places we visited. The vegi I eat in the PCP are steamed, mainly carrot, garlic, zucchini, broccoli. In the places we been in it was mostly fresh vegi salads. I found it hard to eat the sizes we should eat within the PCP guideline, it is easier for me to eat it with my vegi. My steam vegi were better than the steams ones we got n some of the places. I think it is also connected to the issue that I am a bit of a control addict, so I like to be in control of what I eat. For now PCP is what I enjoy and keep.

The indulgence was right on time, I did not have anything specific but last night dinner at the resort I decided to simply eat it freely. including dessert and wine. I did not over do it. in the past PCP life I could go for 2-3 serving of salads, 1-2 main course, and 2-3 desserts. this time it was 1 of each and in reasonable size.

I hope to have PIC of progress soon and post it.



  1. Glad to see you back online! Sounds like you're settling in.

  2. Hooray for enjoying the veggies you prepare and losing another kilo! All good stuff.

  3. I was wondering where you were....all over the place it seems! Sounds like you're having fun and doing a good job sticking with PCP, keep it up!
